Thursday, July 28, 2011

What's in your refrigerator right now?

Go open up, take a good look & ask yourself what your priorities are..

Some thought about your food:

If your spending more money on your car than your are on quality food then the joke is on you. Most people are lucky if they get 10 years out of their car. When you're looking & feeling as beat up as that old car you can't pick a new one up off the lot. 

For those of you who are too lazy to care & prefer to eat out I have a much do you trust the people making your food? Are they profit motivated or health motivated? Do you trust them to take care of your family the way you can if you tried? Are their morals & choices the same morals & choices you want to instill into the people you care about the most? Every decision they make effects your quality of life. Maybe I'm being ridiculous, ignorance is bliss. Keep eating whatever is put in front of your face, I'm sure it will all work out in the end. I'm sure a choice based on a brief summary is an educated decision. 

Every time you buy something you are casting a vote. The ripples of our votes effect what will be available to us & our children. It's hard to vote for something that no longer exists. Every time you make it out to your local Farmer's Market you are voting to ensure the availability of fresh, locally grown, nutrient rich food. Not to be unreasonable, we still get a few things from either Whole Foods(overpriced) or Trader Joe's(reasonable). But, consider how far most of that food has had to travel(nutritionally depleted) & the unnecessary environmental cost(another issue for another day).The only excuse is the illusion of convenience.

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